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Featured Post Politics Propaganda and Media Manipulation Recent

The Collapse of the US Propaganda Machine: Awakening to the Truth


“Oppression is the spark that fuels the hellfire of man. Oppressed are the firefighters, who work to extinguish the flame. Yet to combat fire, one risks themselves to be set ablaze, becoming the fire they sought to extinguish.”


“The Best Way to Keep A Prisoner From Escaping Is To Make Sure He Never Knows He’s In Prison”


American Atrocity: Legacy Of Abu Ghraib

Blog Featured Post Recent Social Investigations

New Age Activism: Rise of the NPC

Blog Social Investigations

Desensitized Society: The Death of Empathy


“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”


“If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough, People Will Believe It, And You Will Even Come To Believe It Yourself”

Blog Government Investigations

The Influence of Popularity on Forgiveness: A Complex Look at Israel, Ukraine, and Free Speech

Blog Recent World Affairs

Learning from History: The Conflict in Ukraine

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Immigration Invasion : Citizens First
South America: A Dire Warning to the
Bay Area CA: A Dystopian Paradise
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