The emergence of the internet, 24-hour news broadcasting, and social media has undeniably revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and stay connected. However, with every advancement comes a set of negative consequences that often go unnoticed. One such consequence is the overexposure to death and tragedy, which has left humanity desensitized to it all.

In the past, news was primarily consumed through newspapers, television, and radio. The information was curated and delivered at specific times, allowing individuals to process and absorb the news in a more controlled manner. However, the advent of the internet, 24-hour news channels, and social media has changed the landscape dramatically.

Today, news is available at our fingertips, around the clock. We are bombarded with a constant stream of information, often sensationalized and designed to capture our attention. As a result, we are exposed to a never-ending cycle of violence, tragedy, and death. This overexposure has desensitized us to the point where we no longer react with the same level of empathy and compassion.

Social media platforms have also played a significant role in this phenomenon. With the ability to share and consume content instantly, news of tragic events spreads like wildfire. While this can be beneficial in terms of raising awareness and mobilizing support, it also has a downside. The constant exposure to death and tragedy on our social media feeds can lead to a sense of emotional numbness. We become detached from the reality of these events, reducing them to mere headlines or hashtags.

Moreover, the overexposure to death and tragedy through the internet, 24-hour news, and social media has led to a shift in society’s priorities. We have become desensitized to the suffering of others unless it directly affects us. We have developed a tendency to only care about conflict or tragedy when it has a personal impact on our lives. The constant barrage of negative news can create a sense of helplessness and apathy. It can make us believe that the world is a dangerous and chaotic place, leading to a mindset of self-preservation. We focus on protecting ourselves and our immediate circle, rather than extending our care and concern to a broader community.

This phenomenon occurs due to several reasons. Firstly, the sheer volume of information we are exposed to makes it impossible to empathize with every tragedy. Our brains have limited capacity for emotional processing, and constant exposure to negative news can overwhelm us. As a defense mechanism, we become selective about the issues we engage with emotionally.

Secondly, the impersonal nature of online communication contributes to this phenomenon. Behind the screens, we are detached from the real-world consequences of our actions and words. This anonymity fosters a lack of empathy and accountability, making it easier to distance ourselves from the suffering of others.

What can be done to fix this? Unfortunately, Modern Society has made clear it does not want to be fixed. People have become too obsessed with their personal lives, and the instant dopamine gratification that is social media. People will continue to live their lives without a care in the world, senselessly scrolling through the void of information. However, if we wish to avoid Historical Repetition, we must continue to emphasize gravity of these situations. Remember, people will not change if they do not see that they need to do so. The optimal strategy here is to emphasize this fact to those in your social circles. Plant the seed, and eventually they will come to the same conclusion. When enough people wake up and decide to practice assertiveness to those pulling the strings, perhaps there will be a shred of hope for Humanity. 

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