The Bay Area of California, specifically the town I visited is complete with matching houses, and a little green park. Families walk their dogs, feed the ducks by the pond, it’s a golden age fanatics dream.

Peer behind the curtain, and the streets are littered with homelessness and drug addiction. Fentanyl, Tranq, heroin, anything you can come up with is here.

I met a man we’ll call Jack. Jack had been homeless for a number of years, cast away by his own family. His take was they turned against him. However I’m unaware if that happened before or after the drug addiction.

Regardless, a sight into his mind was interesting. He spoke of his scavenger mindset. How he looks at cars thinking what parts they have that could make him quick cash for drugs; to feel any sort of remote happiness he has left. At this point in his life there is no hope for him, and he is simply surviving in the cold bitterness of the world until the end of his days.

People drive by in their nice cars; Corvettes, BMW’s, Lexuses, even restored old cars as old as time. All driving by poking fun at him. As much as he made the effort to convey his happy go lucky facade to me and smile at those who made fun of him, the misery in his eyes told me everything.

People poke fun at these guys because perhaps it makes them feel better about themselves and their situation and that any issues they have in their life could always be worse, and they could be in his position.

Jack told me about his third degree burns and sepsis. How death runs in his blood, slowly killing him. How I have no idea what it’s like to curl up in a ball and hope the sweet embrace of death takes him in his sleep.

I came back the next day, of course he had moved, and the trash which encompassed his “home” was gone. No remnants of him being there at all, it was as if he never existed.

The hotel I stayed at, was one of the illegal immigrant housing units that was proposed. If the government truly cared about it citizens, these types of hotels would be used for the homeless, not illegals that have been let in by the federal government who have no business being here and only put society in danger. 
Instead they choose to let society crumble and die, while people who have no right to be here flourish.  

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