Illusion of Support

As I’ve written about previously, In modern society, people are infatuated with “Supporting the cause.” Since we are clouded in our own echo chambers and bubbles, the sense of purpose ceases to exist, and as an unfortunate result, many blindly provide their support to a cause they know nothing about because it gives them a sense of direction and fulfillment. They pour all of their energy into this, and it encompasses their entire lives. 

People get dressed up, make posters, signs, banners, in an effort to convey their support, message, and opinions. They believe that they are assisting in the cause. But in reality, this simply is not the case. You are simply making a fool out of yourself and putting a target on your back for no purpose other than a misguided sense of self-fulfillment and “duty.” Make sure you are well-versed in all aspects, perspectives, and details on the situation. The current climate is incredibly dangerous, you need to understand both sides of a situation before you make your conclusion and form your opinion, it is our job as citizens to question everything and utilize critical thinking. We need to resist propaganda, not succumb to it. 

Washington DC, January 13 2024

I attended the “Protest” for the cease fire in Gaza on Saturday. What I found was this:

A well-organized press conference. Essentially an outlet for people to talk about their feelings under the guise of providing support for the ongoing conflict in the middle east. The attendees obviously cared deeply for the situation and were confident in that. The speakers shared their opinion in an attempt to rally the people. Chanting, repeating phrases. This is all an act, a show. Nothing comes from outlets like this. People show their support, but no action is taken. They “show” their support, but they do not provide it in the physical form.

Supporting Figures, Real World Advocates


I met with a college student, who wished to show his support with a cross. It was apparent that he encompassed a deep concern for the ongoing conflict. What was particularly interesting is most people I spoke with who carried signs and banners carried little to no knowledge on the deeper intricacies and politics of it. The signs they held were simply regurgitated phrases that we have all seen a thousand times now, and it was apparent that they were there simply to show that they “support” the cause, and to garner attention to themselves. Essentially, “Look at me, I support you. I’m doing my part, please look at me.”  

This young man was different. Though he was there to convey a message, his knowledge in the field was apparent and unlike what I had observed with other “advocates.”  He went out of his way to show me the route of the last event and provided an unfiltered perspective on the actual purpose of these events, which was refreshing to hear from a college student. Though he still has a lot to learn, young people with this mindset are the key to securing the success of the next generation.


His cross had the name of a church that was bombed by Israel. On the back was written the name, “Theresa Al Halaseh,” a freedom fighter for the Palestinian cause, most famous for hijacking a plane to free Palestinian prisoners. What was bizarre is many came up to the student, asking what the name was. What does that tell you about their knowledge on the cause they are supporting? If you are to support a cause, one would think you would make yourself aware of significant figures. But alas, this was all a show, and these people were there to bring attention to themselves, to fulfill their false sense of duty and support.


Drop The Act, Provide Real World Support

Moving forward, it is good that people are confident in their beliefs. However, if all you do is wave a flag, hold a sign, and talk about your problems with it, do not be upset when nothing happens. This is the real world, not a therapy session, and we must treat it as such. Find programs, charities, and aid groups to provide aid if you want to secure the future. Real change requires action, and you must take it accordingly. 

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