The UN had their emergency meeting to discuss the current conflict regarding Israel and Palestine. The proposal was for a ceasefire in Gaza, which would give humanitarian aid the go ahead. Majority vote was cast. However, the US and Israel got butthurt because there was no mention of, “Hamas bad, Israel good” in the proposal. So naturally, like the self-absorbed teenagers that they are, they decided to veto it. With their official statement being essentially, “We can’t do it because Hamas will survive, so we are going to keep killing everyone until Hamas is wiped out.”

If you have any brain function at all, you will understand that in war, no one is innocent. Everyone has their hands in the dirt. This includes both Israel and Hamas. As an adult, we must accept responsibility for our actions, especially in a position of power. Instead, our world leaders point fingers like children during recess, resorting to emotional outbursts and calling for mommy if they don’t get their way. No self-accountability, only emotional projection. 

Their claim to fame is the protection of Jews around the globe. Which is a reasonable argument given their history. However, this has evolved into something eerily familiar. Israeli citizens are not allowed to criticize the actions of their own government without facing the threat of a terrorist label. US and UK citizens share the same fate. With multiple accounts of arrests under the “suspicion” of terrorism.

Fiona Ryan, a British Geopolitical commentator on TikTok, was charged under section 12 of the UK TACT. Which states you cannot even express a positive opinion on ANY group branded as a terrorist organization. Her account consists of her opinions on international conflicts, none of which advocate for terrorism, for the death of Jews, or anything consisting of antisemitism. They raided her house, seized her children’s school laptop, and even confiscated her flowerpots. I mean come on, what is the worst a disabled mother can do with some flowers? Offer you a new house plant? Beat you with a bouquet? Not to mention, they watched her use the bathroom and change clothes in front of her children. They could be dedicating their time to finding actual threats and real-world radical extremists. Instead, they waste our time and tax dollars by sending in the quiet kids to mess with disabled people like we’re back in the third grade.

In modern society, we are allowed to speak our mind if it does not offend anyone or go against the narrative. Which is reasonable if you’re a pussy. In the current US political climate, free speech is the main talking point and the forefront of the presidential race. Yet we can only hold Hamas accountable for their actions, and we are expected to allow Israel to get away scott free for their atrocities committed against the Palestinian people. Bomb a hospital? A residential complex? A hotel? Who cares!  Hamas was hiding there so it’s okay. Want to shoot pre-teens in broad daylight? They’re all related to insurgents anyway so let’s just wipe them all out!

Now I am by no means an advocate for Hamas. My point here is that both sides should be held accountable for their actions. And Israel should not be exempt from this. Their boring poor pitiful me mentality is being used as an excuse to massacre an entire population and their words reflect that of your favorite white girl milking an injury for attention expecting you to feel bad for her. It just doesn’t work, and nobody feels bad for you.

I have no idea how or why we as a society have allowed the clowns to run the show and make decisions that supposedly are for our benefit, but we need to do something about it before the world turns into Candyland.

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